When reading a friends blog (
http://calledbynameashis.blogspot.com/2014/01/goals.html) she encouraged the readers to make their goals for 2014 know to those around them. So this is me going "all Rose- like" in making my goals know.
- Stay on track with homework.
- Take better notes in class.
In my relationship with my God and King:
- Read my bible more.
- Do my devotions EVERY day.
- Spend more time in prayer and less time worrying about things out of my control.
- Trust God more.
In my relationships with people:
- Keep friends and family posted is to what they can help me in prayer for.
- Try to spend more time with friends.
- Help others when ever I can.
Those are my goals for this up and coming year, and I wholeheartedly give every one who reads this to keep me accountable.