Monday, March 16, 2020


I have spent a lot of time in this blog devoted to fear and trust. How those themes have played out in my life and my faith. I think now more then ever the world needs to hear the voice that speaks truth and to find a love that cast out fear.  We can be afraid for many different reasons in a time of crisis. Questions like "What will happen to the stock market?" "What will happen if I get sick?" "What if my loved one dies?" "How could a good God let this happen?" and "What will happen next?" All of these questions come from a place of doubt, from the place in our hearts that still listens to the father of lies. These questions can show us our weakness. When a young child feels scared or weak they run to mom and dad, they run to a place of safety. We need to do the same!! When fear and lies try to run us ragged we need to run to the Good Father. Having a safe place to rest does you no good if you do not go to it. God has not left us, He never can! God is not weakened by this His strength is perfect. In the last few weeks I have had trouble with my car. First the tire went then a few weeks later their was an issue with the power steering. Both times I ran to my parents and was able rest in their strength. I could have handled both issues on my own but in the moment as I was scared I would not think straight. Panic and fear over took me but as soon as heard my parents the fear went away and I could think again. Their clam strength comforted me and strengthened me. God does the same thing for us every day.  His strengthening hand will sustain and protect us no matter what happens. God is with us in the storm. 

Pastors sermon from this past Sunday was just what I need to hear. I had the main points running in my mind all day. If you get a minute you should give it a listen.

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