Monday, May 25, 2020

Stand still

All of us have a fight or flight reaction to the things that we are afraid of. I am afraid of the unknown and my reaction to it is flight. When faced with plans that get derailed my first thought it to run, and run far way. The past few days I have struggled with the desire to run. I am not talking like a jog around the block but uproot my life and move halfway across the country type of running. But I can't, God in his wisdom has locked every door I try to open.  I have not been good at standing still, I don't like it. I would rather be doing something then being still. Yesterdays sermon was on enduring and being ready. Pastor Cary said that God has given us each a mission for this time in our lives, this time of pandemic. Mine is to stay put in CT. I am not good at staying put when I can not see the reason behind it. Many places in the bible we  see "stand still". The Jews were told in Exodus to "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." (Exodus 14:13 kjv)  Job was told to "Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God." (Job 37:14 kjv)  In theses examples they were able to stand because they remembered who was telling them to stand still. Most of the time when someone I trust tells me to do something I do it. God has proven himself to me time and time again, I can trust him in this. I may not be able to see the purpose in this but God never moves with out purpose. I don't have to be inactive when standing still, I am called to love those around me in the waiting. I am called to still serve God in the stillness. This standing still for me is telling my heart and mind to stop looking for ways to get away. To stop looking for the next thing, trying to force it.

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